Fellowship is an honor bestowed upon members who have made “unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology.” Their contributions are viewed as having enriched or advanced Counseling Psychology well beyond the level that normally would be expected of a professional psychologist. Fellows are selected by peers on the basis of evidence of sustained superior performance that is recognizable at a national (rather than local or regional) level. Please consider nominating yourself or others for APA Fellow status in Division 17.
2024 SCP@APA Fellows Talks Program (PDF)

Note: Certain fellows have their name hyperlinked. Clicking on the hyperlinked name will either take you to a (1) watchable video recording of the fellows address they gave at an APA Convention or (2) downloadable copy of their fellows statement.
SCP Fellows
- Abeles, Norman
- Adams, Eve
- Adams, James F.
- Ægisdóttir, Stefanía
- Ahluwalia, Muninder
- Alcorn, John. D.
- Ali, Saba Rasheed
- Allan, Blake
- Altmaier, Elizabeth M.
- Ancis, Julie R.
- Anderson, Robert Paul
- Anderson, Wayne, P.
- Arbona, Consuelo C.
- Arbuckle, Dugald S.
- Archer, James, Jr.
- Arrendondo, Patricia
- Astin, Alexander W.
- Astin, Helen S.
- Atkinson, Donald R.
- Baden, Amanda L.
- Barber, Jill Lee.
- Barclay, James Ralph
- Baron, Augustine, Jr.
- Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T.
- Bemak, Frederic
- Benton, Sherry E.
- Bernstein, Bianca
- Betz, Nancy E.
- Bieschke, Kathleen J.
- Bikos, Lynette H.
- Bischof, Ledford Julius
- Blum, Lawrence Philip
- Blustein, David L.
- Boggs, Kathleen
- Borgen, Fred H.
- Borges, Nicole
- Bowman, Sharon
- Boyer, Michele C.
- Brabeck, Mary
- Brady-Amoon, Margaret "Peggy"
- Brammer, Lawrence M.
- Brayfield, Arthur Hills
- Brooks, Linda
- Brown, Chrisanthia [Chris]
- Brown, Michael T.
- Brown, Robert Donald
- Brown, Steven D.
- Bruch, Monroe Alan
- Buki, Lydia P.
- Burnes, Theodore
- Byars-Winston, Angela M.
- Campbell, David P.
- Canetto, Sylvia Sara
- Carter, Jean Anne
- Carter, Robert T.
- Casas, J. Manuel
- Castillo, Linda G.
- Cerbone, Armand R.
- Cheng, Hsiu-Lan
- Choi, Chun-Chung
- Christansen, Martha Dennis
- Christensen, Thomas H.
- Chung, Y. Barry
- Chwalisz, Kathleen
- Ciftci, Ayse
- Claiborn, Charles D.
- Clark, Jerry H.
- Clendenen, Dorothy M.
- Cokley, Kevin O.
- Coleman, Hardin
- Consoli, Andrés José
- Consoli, Melissa Morgan
- Constantine, Madonna G.
- Conyne, Robert K.
- Cooper, Stewart
- Cooperman, Irene G.
- Corazzini, John G.
- Corey, Gerald F.
- Cormier, William H.
- Cornehisen, John H.
- Cornish, Jennifer
- Corrigan, John
- Courtois, Christine A.
- Covey, Mary Ann
- Crego, Clyde Allan
- Crites, John O.
- Croteau, James M.
- Cruz, Carmen
- D’Andrea, Michael
- Danish, Steven J.
- Dass-Brailsford, Priscilla
- Davis, Kathleen L.
- Davidson, Charme
- Davis, Rosie Phillips
- Dawis, Rene V.
- DeBlaere, Cirleen
- Deffenbacher, Jerry Lee
- Delgado-Romero, Edward
- Demos, George D.
- Dickey, Lore M.
- Diemer, Matthew
- Dik, Bryan
- Dillon, Frank R.
- DiMichael, Salvatore G.
- Dinkmeyer, Don. C.
- Dixon, David Newell
- Dole, Arthur A.
- Douce, Louise Ann
- Dowd, E. Thomas
- Drum, David John
- Duan, Changming
- Duffy, Michael
- Duffy, Ryan
- Dworkin, Sari H.
- Eggerth, Donald E.
- Elman, Nancy
- Elliott, Timothy R.
- Ellis, Albert
- Ellis, Michael V.
- Enns, Carolyn Zerbe
- Elton, Charles Fowler
- Epperson, Douglas
- Epting, Franz R.
- Espelage, Dorothy
- Eyde, Lorraine D.
- Farmer, Helen S.
- Farwell, Gail Frederic
- Fassinger, Ruth E.
- Feingold, S. Norman
- Fine, Sidney A.
- Finney, Joseph C.
- Fitzgerald, Louise F.
- Flores, Lisa
- Foley-Nicpon, Megan
- Fong, Margaret
- Ford, Donald H.
- Forrest, Linda M.
- Fouad, Nadya A.
- Fowler, Raymond D.
- Franklin, Anderson J.
- Frazier, Patricia Ann
- French, Bryana
- Fretz, Bruce R.
- Friedlander, Myrna L.
- Fry, Prem S.
- Fuhriman, Addie
- Fukuyama, Mary A.
- Fuqua, Dale R.
- Galassi, John Paul, Jr.
- Gallessich, June Marie
- Garfield, Nancy
- Gati, Itamar
- Gazda, George M.
- Gelso, Charles J.
- Gerstein, Lawrence Hal
- Gilbert, Lucia Albino
- Glaser, Brian
- Goldman, Leo
- Good, Glenn E.
- Goodheart, Carol
- Goodman, Lisa A.
- Goodyear, Rodney K.
- Gore, Paul
- Gottfredson, Gary
- Gottsegen, Gloria Behar
- Grant, Claude W.
- Gray, Jacque
- Gregory, Wilbur S.
- Grier-Reed, Tabitha
- Grzanka, Patrick R.
- Guerney, Bernard, Jr.
- Gunnings, Thomas Sylvester
- Gushue, George V.
- Gutsch, Kenneth Urial
- Guyer III, Charles
- Hackett, Gail
- Hage, Sally
- Hagenah, Theda
- Haldeman, Doug
- Hammond, Marie S.
- Hansen, Jo-Ida Charlotte
- Hansen, Nancy
- Hansen, L. Sunny
- Hargons, Candice Nicole
- Harmon, Lenore W.
- Hatcher, Robert L.
- Hartung, Paul J.
- Haverkamp, Beth E.
- Hayes, Jeffrey A.
- Heesacker, Martin
- Helms, Janet E.
- Heppner, Mary
- Heppner, Puncky Paul
- Herman, Keith
- Herr, Edwin L.
- Hill, Clara Edith
- Hill, Robert
- Hilton, Thomas L.
- Hinckley, Elmer D.
- Hoffman, Mary Ann
- Hoffman, Simon
- Holland, John Lewis
- Holloway, Elizabeth Lee
- Holt, Melissa
- Hood, Albert B.
- Horan, John J.
- Horne, Arthur M.
- Horne, Sharon
- Hoshmand, Lisa Tsoi
- Howard, George S.
- Howard, Kimberly
- Howard, Mary Tatum
- Hoyt, Kenneth B.
- Hurley, George
- Hurst, James C.
- Ibrahim, Farah
- Illfelder-Kaye, Joyce
- Inman, Arpana
- Israel, Tania
- Ivey, Allen E.
- Jacobs, Sue
- Juntunen, Cindy
- Jones, Dan
- Kashubeck-West, Susan
- Keilin, W. Gregory
- Kenny, Maureen E.
- Kerr, Barbara
- Kim, Bryan
- King, Paul Thomas
- Kiselica, Mark S.
- Kitchener, Karen Strohm
- Kivlighan, Dennis M., Jr.
- Knox, Sarah
- Koch, Julie
- Krauskopf, Charles J.
- Krieshok, Thomas
- Krumboltz, John D.
- Kuder, Frederic
- Kurplus, DeWayne J.
- Kwan, Kwong-Liem
- LaCrosse, Michael B.
- LaFromboise, Teresa Davis
- Lamb, Douglas Hart
- Ladany, Nick
- Larson, Dale
- Larson, Lisa M.
- Layton, Wilbur L.
- Leach, Mark M.
- Lease, Suzanne
- Lee, Richard M.
- Lent, Robert William
- Leong, Frederick
- Leung, Seung-Ming
- Levant, Ronald F.
- Lewis, Jioni
- Liang, Chris
- Liang, Belle
- Lichtenberg, James W.
- Lindgren, Henry Clay
- Lin, Gisela
- Linnick, Ida
- Litwack, Lawrence
- Liu, William
- Loeffler, Dorothy R.
- Lopez, Frederick Gregory
- Lopez, Shane J.
- Lovell, George D.
- Lowman, Rodney
- Lubin, Bernard
- Lunneborg, Patricia W.
- Lyons, Heather
- Magoon, Thomas Mayo
- Mahalik, James R.
- Mallinckrodt, Brent S.
- Maltzman, Sara F.
- Manese, Jeanne
- Martens, Matthew P.
- Martin, Jack
- Marotta, Sylvia
- Mathewson, Robert H.
- Maynard-Pemba, Natasha
- McClintock, James A.
- McCubbin, Laurie “Lali” D.
- McCune, Cornelia D.
- McGovern, Kristin P.
- McGowan, John F.
- McPherson, Robert H.
- McRae, Cynthia
- McWhirter, Benedict
- McWhirter, Ellen Hawley
- McWhirter, J. Jeffries
- Meara, Naomi M.
- Merluzzi, Thomas V.
- Millard, Kenneth A.
- Miller, Matthew
- Miville, Marie L.
- Mintz, Laurie B.
- Mitchell, Sharon L.
- Mobley, Michael
- Moradi, Bonnie
- Morales, Eduardo
- Morgan, Henry Hollinshead
- Morgan, Robert
- Morrill, Weston H.
- Morrow, Robert S.
- Morrow, Susan
- Mollen, Debra
- Machinsky, Paul Michael
- Multon, Karen
- Munley, Patrick H.
- Murdock, Nancy L.
- Muthard, John Edward
- Myers, Roger A.
- Navarro, Rachel
- Neimeyer, Greg James
- Nevill, Dorothy Dobbins
- Neville, Helen A.
- Newcomb, Michael Donald
- Nicholas, Donald R.
- Nilsson, Johanna
- Norsworthy, Kathryn L.
- Nutt, Roberta L.
- Obermann, C. Esco
- O’Brien, John
- O’Brien, Karen M.
- Oetting, Eugene R.
- Oh, Katharine J. Hahn
- Ojeda, Lizette
- Oliver, Laurel Weber
- O’Neil, James M.
- Osborne, R. Travis
- Owens, Gina
- Packard, Ralph E.
- Palione, Nathaniel J.
- Palmer, Laura K.
- Palombi, Barbara
- Paquin, Jill D.
- Parham, Thomas Anthony
- Parham, William D.
- Parker, Randall Martin
- Patterson, Cecil H.
- Patton, Michael J.
- Payton, Carolyn Robertson
- Pedersen, Paul Bodholdt
- Perez, Ruperto M.
- Perrone-McGovern, Kristin
- Perrin, Paul
- Phelps, Rosemary Elaine
- Phillips, Julia C.
- Phillips, Susan Dorcas
- Pieterse, Alex
- Pipes, Randolph B.
- Platt, Henry
- Polkinghorne, Donald E.
- Ponterotto, Joseph G.
- Pope-Davis, Donald B.
- Pope, Mark
- Porter, Rutherford B.
- Poyrazli, Senel
- Prieto, Loreto
- Prince, Jeffrey P.
- Quintana, Stephen
- Raskin, Patricia
- Rayman, Jack R.
- Resnick, Jaquelyn
- Resnikoff, Arthur
- Reynolds, Amy
- Rice, Joy K.
- Rice, Kenneth G.
- Richardson, LaVange H.
- Richardson, Mary Sue
- Ridley, Charles R.
- Rivera, Azara Santiago
- Robbins, Steven B.
- Robinson, John D.
- Robinson, Kurplus, Sharon E.
- Robitschek, Christine
- Rochlen, Aaron
- Rodríguez, Domenech Melanie
- Rodolfa, Emil
- Roehlke, Helen J.
- Rogers, James R.
- Rollin, Stephen A.
- Romano, John L.
- Rose, Harriett A.
- Rostosky, Sherry
- Rottinghaus, Patrick
- Roysircar-Sodowsky, Gargi
- Ryan, T.A.
- Sanchez, Francisco
- Sampson Jr., James P.
- Schauble, Paul G.
- Scheel, Michael
- Schlossberg, Nancy K.
- Schlosser, Lewis Z.
- Schmidt, Lyle Darrel
- Schultheiss, Donna E.
- Schwebel, Milton
- Schwartz, Jonathon
- Scott, Winifred Starbuck
- Skowron, Elizabeth
- Seeman, Julius
- Shahnasarian, Michael
- Shaw, Merville C.
- Sheu, Hung-Bin
- Shullman, Sandra Lynn
- Silverman, Hirsch Lazaar
- Simon, Norma Plavnick
- Singh, Anneliese
- Skovholt, Thomas M.
- Skowron, Elizabeth
- Slaney, Robert B.
- Smart, David W.
- Smith, Elsie J.
- Smith, Laura
- Smith, Nathan G.
- Smith, Timothy B.
- Solberg, V. Scott H.
- Spanierman, Lisa
- Speight, Suzette L.
- Spengler, Paul S.
- Sperry, Len
- Spielberger, Charles D.
- Spokane, Arnold R.
- Sprinthall, Norman Arthur
- Steger, Michael F.
- Steinfeldt, Jesse
- Stern, Marilyn
- Steward, Robbie
- Stewart, Lawrence H.
- Stockton, Rex A.
- Stoltenberg, Calvin Dale
- Stone, Gerald L.
- Strong, Stanley Russell
- Subich, Linda Mezydlo
- Sue, Derald Wing
- Suinn, Richard M.
- Sundberg, Norman D.
- Suzuki, Lisa A.
- Swanson, Jane Laurel
- Szymanski, Dawn M.
- Talley, Joe
- Tanney, Faith
- Taylor, Karen
- Thomas, Kenneth Robert
- Thompson, Albert S.
- Thompson, Chalmer E.
- Thompson, Mindi
- Thoresen, Carl E.
- Thoreson, Richard Wallace
- Tiedeman, David V.
- Tinsley, Diane Johnson
- Tinsley, Howard, E.A.
- Tomlinson-Clarke, Saundra
- Toporek, Rebecca
- Tracey, Terence John
- Tucker, Carolyn M.
- Turner, Sherrie
- Vacha-Haase, Tammi
- Vandiver, Beverly J.
- Van Dusen, Albert C.
- Varghese, Femina P.
- Vasquez, Melba J.
- Vera, Elizabeth M.
- Vetter, Louise Bertha Caroline
- Vogel, David
- Wade, Nathaniel G.
- Waldo, Michael
- Waldrop, Robert S.
- Walsh, W. Bruce
- Wampold, Bruce Edward
- Wang, Chiachih "DC"
- Wang, Kenneth
- Wang, Vivian Ota
- Wang, Yu-Wei
- Warnath, Charles F.
- Watkins, C. Edward, Jr.
- Wei, Meifen
- Weigel, Richard G.
- Weitz, Henry
- Welfel, Elizabeth R.
- Werth, James L.
- Westbrook, Bert Whitley
- Westefeld, John Scott
- Wester, Stephen R.
- Whiston, Susan C.
- Whittaker, Valene
- Wickert, Frederic R.
- Wilcox, Melanie
- Wiley, Mary O’Leary
- Wilke, Walter H.
- Williams, Elizabeth Nutt
- Wilton, Leo
- Winer, Jane L.
- Wong, Joel
- Woody, Robert Henley
- Worrel, Judith
- Worthington, Everett L.
- Worthington, Roger
- Yakushko, Oksana
- Yoo, Sung-Kyung
- Young, Richard A.
- Wright, George Nelson
- Zetzer, Heidi A.
- Zolik, Edwin S.
- Zytowski, Donald G.