Updates and Announcements

Prevention of Anti-Black Racism

The Prevention Section of the Society of Counseling Psychology (APA-Div. 17) joins the international condemnation of the events demonstrating anti-Black racism. We, as counseling psychologists dedicated to prevention of problem behaviors and promotion of well-being among all people, see it as our duty to encourage diverse groups of people to use the powerful knowledge of prevention science and programming that already exists to confront anti-Black racism and promote social justice. 

The Section draw your attention to existing resources regarding the prevention of anti-Black racism, such as:

  • Adam, B. (2019). Addressing the mental health needs of African American Muslims in an era of Islamophobia. In H. S. Moffic, J. Peteet, A. Z. Hankir, & R. Awaad (Eds.), Islamophobia and psychiatry: Recognition, prevention, and treatment (p. 257–266). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. https://doi-org.rproxy.tau.ac.il/10.1007/978-3-030-00512-2_22
  • McCoy, H. (2020). Black lives matter, and yes, you are racist: The parallelism of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi-org.rproxy.tau.ac.il/10.1007/s10560-020-00690-4
  • Mosley, D. V., Hargons, C. N., Meiller, C., Angyal, B., Wheeler, P., Davis, C., & Stevens-Watkins, D. (2021). Critical consciousness of anti-Black racism: A practical model to prevent and resist racial trauma. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 68(1), 1–16. https://doi-org.rproxy.tau.ac.il/10.1037/cou0000430
  • Stults, B. J., & Baumer, E. P. (2007). Racial context and police force size: Evaluating the empirical validity of the minority threat perspective. American Journal of Sociology, 113(2), 507–546. https://doi-org.rproxy.tau.ac.il/10.1086/518906
  • Utsey, S. O., McCarthy, E., Eubanks, R., & Adrian, G. (2002). White racism and suboptimal psychological functioning among White Americans: Implications for counseling and prejudice prevention. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 30(2), 81–95. https://doi-org.rproxy.tau.ac.il/10.1002/j.2161-1912.2002.tb00481.x


Prevention Section in coming APA 2021 Convention

In the coming 2021 APA Convention, the Prevention Section will hold a symposium on: “Prevention of Anti-Black Racism

The presenters will be:

  • Laura Reid Marks, PhD, Florida State University

Topic: Using Prevention Science to Combat Anti-Black Racism

  • Jacob Israelashvili, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Topic: Feedback Shapes Moral Judgements: A Preliminary Development of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Racism

  • Marty Swanbrow Becker, PhD, Florida State University

Topic: Preventing Anti-Black Racism During the Transition to College

  • Garrett Ross & Jeannette Mejia, University of Florida

Topic: How we get free: Committing to loving all Black people

Follow APA announcement and the 2021 Convention schedule and join us in this important event.

Call for Proposals for Student Prevention Research

Society of Counseling Psychology (APA Division 17)

Student Poster Session

American Psychological Association Convention 2018

San Francisco


Submission Deadline for Proposals:

March 23, 2018, 11:59PM PST

Proposals are now being accepted for a Student Poster Session co-sponsored by the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), Division 17 Sections, and the Division 17 Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS). Poster proposals may be empirical studies or theoretical considerations relevant to the Division 17 Prevention Section. The first author on the proposal must be a student (or have completed the project while a student or intern) and must either be a student affiliate of Division 17 or sponsored by a Division 17 member.

For more information and the application, please click the following links: 


2017 APA Convention Updates

Thank you to all our members for a successful APA convention!  A special welcome to all our new and returning officers in the section.  Congratulations to our winning poster presentations, which were presented this year at APA:

Sydney Fiol, B.A., Denise S. Marques, M.A., & Maite Mena, Psy.D.
University of Miami
Implementing SBIRT in Several Community-Based Healthcare Systems: Preliminary Data, Implementation Strategies, and Challenges

Jeffrey Grimes, B.S., Laura M. Gumbiner, M.A., & Kerrie G. Wilkins-Yel, Ph.D.
Indiana University
Community Conversations: A Program Evaluation of an Abbreviated Diversity Dialogue Initiative

Anil Lalwani, M.S., & Miranda Villard, M.Ed.
Cleveland State University
Advocating Self-Care for the Marginalized: Discussing Theoretical, Practical, and Social Implications

Students Anil Lalwani and Miranda Villard present their research at the Division 17 Social Hour at APA 2017

An additional congratulations to the 2017 recipient of the Prevention Section Research Award, Keiko M. McCullough.  Her research was titled, “Evaluating the Efficacy of the Actively Addressing Gender With Men Program among Fraternity Members”

Dr. Dorothy Espelage presents the 2017 Prevention Section Research Award to Keiko M. McCullough at the APA Convention in Washington, DC.