We are Allie Minieri and Mary O'Leary Wiley, Co-Chairs of the Section Chairs. On behalf of the section chairs, we encourage you to consider membership in one or more of our wonderful sections. SCP highly values the diversity of people and experiences in counseling psychology. Sections also enable you to personalize your experiences within SCP, meet your specific needs, and expand your professional development. In addition, sections promote opportunities to network, receive valuable mentorship, learn, and grow with others around specific interests and workplace settings. As former section chairs and current section members, we can personally attest to the invaluable opportunities for mentorship, education, and professional and personal relationships that section membership can provide. Are you interested in becoming more involved in SCP, but aren’t sure where to start? Membership and engagement in sections may also provide opportunities for leadership in SCP. Please contact us with any questions, comments, and/or thoughts you have about our sections.


Allie and Mary

Allie M. Minieri, PhD 
Co-Chair of Section Chairs, Term: 2021-2023


Mary O'Leary Wiley, PhD, ABPP (She/Her)
Co-Chair of Section Chairs, Term: 2023 - 2026