ECP Chair WelcomeTo all who may read these letters, Greetings: These words, or some variation of them, have propelled our entrance become familiar with as we graduate from our doctoral programs to become early career professionals (ECP) in counseling psychology. In the past decade, ECPs (those who have obtained their doctoral degree in the last 10 years) have had to face a volatile world with atrocities such as anti-Black racism and violence, the COVID-19 pandemic with anti-Asian and xenophobic rhetoric, sexist, heterosexist, and transphobic policies and legislative changes, and violence against migrants especially children, and many more oppressive acts that result in colossal changes and trauma. As the 2022-2023 Chair of the ECP Committee of SCP, I want to first say that I see you, my fellow ECPs, and all of your efforts to still stand with courage and fervour to fight the good fight even though you may be disheartened and fatigued by the chaos around us. Our main goal this year is to build a home and a community for ECPs by ECPs within the Division, where we are able to connect with each other, feel comfortable being ourselves, and be recognized for our excellence as we engage in anti-Black and anti-colonialist advocacy to combat White supremacy in psychology, in our communities, and in society at large. We are committed to: (a) represent and elevate the voices and excellence of ECPs, (b) foster ECP leadership and belongingness to SCP especially for those who have not been traditionally included, (c) develop a mutual learning and support network for ECPs, and (d) actively disrupt White supremacist values and practices within SCP and beyond. I, along with my colleagues on this Committee-namely Drs Madeline Brodt, Lisa De La Rue, Ryan Flinn, Marissa Floro, Colleen Kase, Em Matsuno, Brooke Rappaport, Jonathan Sepúlveda, and Tiffany Williams-are here to discover and share community and power with you. We look forward to engage, support, celebrate, and walk alongside our fellow and future ECPs. We invite you to contact any one of us if you are interested in learning more about our initiatives, sharing your thoughts or providing feedback, or just want to chat! Jacks Cheng, Ph.D., Ed.M. Email the Committee |