SCP Honored by the APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists

The Society of Counseling Psychology was honored to receive special recognition during convention from the Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) for our efforts in engaging ECPs in our society and APA governance. The Early Career Professional Committee of SCP presented a poster at convention describing outreach efforts, engagement, and representation of ECPs in our Division, which was a part of the data used to determine the award. According to the CECP:

“the award was in part informed by the posters, in part by other data CECP collected about Divisions, and in part by CECP’s desire to build a higher proportion of ECPs in leadership roles across APA boards, committees, Council of Reps, divisions, and state psychological associations. Julie Radico presented an award to Division 17 during Convention and stated, “The APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists Commends and Honors Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology, for promoting Early Career Psychologists in Council and Division Governance. Division 17 has made it a priority to engage Early Career Psychologists in governance and leadership. They have an Early Career Psychologist on Council, 20% of their members are ECPs, and their leadership has made strides to include ECPs within their governance structure, reporting continued growth in this area as a priority.”

As the past-chair of the ECP Committee, I am so pleased that all of these efforts within SCP are helping to make us a more inclusive and representative division. Also, many thanks to all of the ECPs who are working to get engaged in leadership in all levels of APA governance, we appreciate your commitment to professional service while you are navigating all of the milestones of #ECPLife

Submitted by:

Tiffany O’Shaughnessy, Ph.D.
Past-Chair – Early Career Professionals Committee


Tags: Posted on: August 15th, 2017