Many 17 Members are still in shock post-Orlando and are asking what we can do and where we can go for comfort. We are asking how can we change minds and hearts, while also taking care of our overlapping queer, trans, Latin(x), Muslim, and ally identities and communities.

APA2014_99If you are attending APA in Denver, come join the conversation at More Pie on August 5th(Fri) from 1-3pm in the Division 17 Hospitality Space. as we identify sustainable ways to integrate change efforts and provide resources about these event and all that it represents in terms of intersectional oppression and structural violence…and how to cope with heartbreak that comes when engaging in long-term social justice change. Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to be involved in these efforts outside of More Pie as well.

Tags: Posted on: June 30th, 2016