APA 2015 APBB Convocation Award Winners

At the 2015 American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Convocation, Charme Davidson received the Russell J. Bent Award for Distinguished Service and Contributions to the American Board of Professional Psychology.  Also Ted Stachowiak received the Counseling Psychology Board Award for outstanding leadership on the American Board of Counseling Psychology. In the above photo, Dr. Stachowiak and Dr. Davidson are joined by Dr. Sylvia Marotta-Walters, President of the American Board of Counseling Psychology.


apbb 2At the 2015 ABPP Convocation, Counseling Psychologists were widely recognized. Above are (left to right) Angela Kuemme , PhD (The Arthur M. Nezu Diversity Dissertation Award), Sharon Bowman, PhD, ABPP (newly Board Certified Counseling Psychologist), Jack O’Regan,PhD, ABPP (President of the American Academy of Counseling Psychology), Ted Stachowiak, PhD, ABPP (Counseling Psychology Board Award), and  Sylvia Marotta-Walters, PhD, ABPP (President, American Board of Counseling Psychology)..

Tags: Posted on: August 10th, 2015